More than one million slip and fall accidents occur in the U.S. every year, resulting in many lawsuits and thousands of deaths. Slip, trip, and fall incidents can be prevented, but the statistics are quite staggering. People suffer traumatic brain injury, fractures, and other life-altering outcomes and sometimes require surgery such as hip replacement. With precautions such as property inspections, hazardous conditions can be identified and corrected by property owners.

However, these facts about slip and fall accidents and lawsuits remain true:

  1. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about a third over people over age 65 fall every year. For those between 65 and 84, slips and falls are a leading cause of death. Falls involve more women than men, although fall fatalities are divided equally by gender.


  1. Many slips, trips, and falls are work-related and account for the most common reason for lost days at work. About 22% of these cases require more than 31 days off, while the highest percentage of falls (60%) occur in the service industry, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Falls are common in manufacturing, construction, mining, and trucking as well.


  1. According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), two thousand people a day are treated in emergency rooms for fall-related accidents, which account for 12% of emergency room visits in the United States. About 5% of falls result in fractures and 20% to 30% of cases result in severe injuries.


  1. Over 2 million fall injuries each year are directly related to floors and flooring materials, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has said.


  1. NFSI data show that of fatal accidents, 67% of fall fatalities involve a victim aged 75 or older. Those over the age of 85 are up to 15 times more likely to experience a hip fracture, showing that older individuals are more injury-prone than other age


  1. According to HeatTrak, slip and falls are the most common cause of non-fatal injuries in most age groups. The exception is people from 10 to 24, of which falls are the second-most common cause.


  1. The CDC also says that falls are the most common cause of brain injury. The effects of the accident can linger and result in severe impairments. In many cases, the extent of the injuries isn’t immediately known, making it hard to quickly recognize, diagnose, and treat the injury.


  1. The CDC estimates the average hospital cost for a slip and fall injury is over $30,000. Snow-related accidents average up to $48,000, according to the Snow and Ice Management Association. Fall-related medical bills in the U.S. exceed $34 billion annually.


  1. According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, just 2% of personal injury cases go to trial. Most individuals are hesitant to appear in a formal courtroom setting.

Contact Us If You Have a Case

If you find a slip and fall attorney and file a claim, but are finding it difficult to afford living expenses, Fund Capital America can help. We can provide a slip and fall lawsuit cash advance to any personal injury plaintiff in California. Our non-recourse funding can be used to pay for legal costs and for medical bills and other essentials. You pay us back only if your case wins and pay nothing out of pocket. If financial concerns are holding you back, apply for legal funding today so your attorney can fight for the compensation you deserve. Call 855-870-2274 for assistance.