Police Brutality

Police Brutality


California’s Top Legal Funding Specialists Offering Settlement Loan Alternatives

Police brutality has taken center stage in the news, but it isn’t new. Excessive and/or unnecessary use of force by police on civilians has been reported as far back as the 1870s. From law enforcement physically harming workers on strike to imposing unnecessary harm on civilians during the Civil Rights Movement, to a rash of misconduct cases among police officers in recent years, police brutality takes many forms. If you’ve been injured due to such actions, it may be possible to pursue a police brutality settlement.

In incidents of brutality, police officers may use guns, batons, fists, pepper spray, or even nerve gas. Sexual abuse has also been reported. But police brutality doesn’t always involve direct physical abuse; other examples include:

Waiting For Your Police Brutality Case to Settle? Need A Cash Advance Now? Apply Below!

Fund Capital America can help you with police brutality settlement funding, an alternative to settlement loans with no hidden fees and no upfront payment, so you can manage daily expenses and pursue your claim. Police shootings aren’t uncommon in California. In March 2018, Stephon Clark of Sacramento was shot 20 times when police mistook his cellphone for a weapon. Following the incident, California state legislators introduce a measure to permit officers to use deadly force “only when necessary”. Previous regulations authorized them to do so “when reasonable”.

According to The Washington Post, 987 people were fatally shot by police in 2017. As of October 1, 756 individuals had been shot and killed by police in 2018.

The L.A. Times reported 157 people were killed by police in 2016. One third of those incidents were in Los Angeles County. Combined with police force resulting in serious injuries, there were 782 reported incidents, a quarter of which were in Los Angeles County and most involving the Los Angeles Police Department or L.A. County Sheriff’s Department.

Awaiting Your Settlement? How Fund Capital America Can Help

Our Los Angeles based legal funding specialists offer a better alternative to police brutality lawsuit loans, which must be paid back and factor in your credit and financial history. And remember—you only pay back if you win. Legal funding is easy to apply for; just submit your information and your lawyer’s name and contact details. Fund Capital America will then investigate your case and our underwriter will determine who much to offer—most applicants receive funding within 24 hours.

Your funding can be used to cover the cost of:
  • Rent
  • Medical treatment
  • Medications
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Case preparation and discovery
  • Bringing in witnesses
  • Organizing documents and evidence to build a case


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How to Qualify for Police Brutality Lawsuit Funding

State law can make it difficult to establish a liability lawsuit against police departments. Although excessive police force violates the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the plaintiff usually requires preponderance of the evidence to prove an officer was more likely than not to have acted inappropriately. In general, police can use force on a suspect who resists arrest, attempts to flee, or is an immediate danger to the officer.
You may be approved for a cash advance if information such as the following points to police brutality:

How Long Can It Take for My Police Brutality Case to Settle?

Some cases can take over five years to settle. It is not uncommon for an obvious case of police brutality to take several years, making police brutality lawsuit settlement funding even more important. Police departments are rarely open to settling early. Admitting wrongdoing can cast doubt on the entire force; plus, police forces prefer to stretch out cases to manage the cost.

Determining how much a case is worth is also a challenge. Police brutality can result in physical or emotional harm, while the plaintiff’s actions are a strong consideration in determining liability, especially if they were doing something illegal. Racial motivation for the incident is a factor. If the incident was filmed, there is more direct evidence available.

Legal Funding vs. Lawsuit Loans

Legal Funding, sometimes known as pre-settlement funding, is much different than a cash advance loan. You must pay back a personal loan no matter what. Legal funding avoids going into debt, whether with loans or credit cards, due to your case. The funds aren’t paid back unless there’s a settlement, so even if your case loses, you still have cash to back you up. You also receive direct funding and pay nothing out of pocket.

Why Choose Fund Capital America

We offer pre-settlement funding for police brutality and other personal injury cases to clients throughout California, with payout options such as a one-time lump sum, monthly installments, or advances as your case progresses. Find out if you qualify by submitting our application form online, which takes less than 5 minutes. Case information from your attorney will be obtained, and you’ll receive your lawsuit funding until a structured settlement or other resolution is reached. To get cash within 24 hours, apply online or call 855-870-2274 today.

Police Brutality

Has your case settled, but you still haven't received your settlement check? apply for post-settlement funding with fca legal funding


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