A nursing home injury settlement loan is another type of lawsuit cash advance to cover expenses while your case is ongoing. Abuse in nursing homes far too often results in costly physical injuries and emotional trauma. It can also cause financial harm to victims. A lawsuit cash advance for nursing home neglect avoids having to wait months or years to get paid. Nursing home legal funding also helps personal injury attorneys fight for the full amount a case is worth.

Nursing homes have a legal duty to care for their residents. Those being cared for have rights under the law. According to the World Health Organization in 2022, about 1 in 6 individuals aged 60 or older experienced some form of abuse in community settings. Nursing home abuse takes many forms and the signs can be obvious or subtle. 

Types of Nursing Home Abuse That Lead to Lawsuits

If a loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse, already high expenses can make pursuing a case all that more difficult. A personal injury attorney can fight for a fair settlement. Plus, there is financial help for nursing home abuse victims that can cover expenses until a case settles. The first step to qualifying for a lawsuit loan is to recognize that abuse occurred. 

The most common forms of nursing home abuse include:

Who Causes Nursing Home Injuries?

A nurse, aide, doctor, administrator, janitor, or other nursing home worker can be guilty of abuse or neglect. Staff members may take their frustration or anger out on nursing home residents. Administrators often make decisions that prioritize profits instead of maintaining a high standard of care, such as understaffing their facility, hiring inexperienced staffers, and ignoring safety hazards.

However, nursing home abuse doesn’t only come from staff members. Other residents can commit acts that harm other residents; staff members should take steps to keep dangerous residents away from others, but don’t always do. They should also note whether visiting family members abuse an older relative in any way.

How Do I Apply for a Settlement Loan?

You can apply for a settlement cash advance if you’ve hired an attorney who will cooperate during the legal funding process, the at-fault party is clearly liable, and the damages are substantial and well-documented. At Fund Capital America, our application process takes just minutes and requires no up-front fees. Once we speak to your attorney, we can make an offer within 24 hours.

How Can I Use the Cash from Pre-Settlement Funding?

You can use the cash advance to cover any expense. There are no limitations. It can cover the cost of medical treatment, medications, healthcare, therapy, utilities, groceries, or moving a loved one to another facility.

Contact Fund Capital America

If a family member has suffered abuse while in assisted living, legal funding may be an option. We can provide settlement funding for elderly exploitation, neglect, or physical abuse lawsuits so your attorney can pursue maximum compensation for the physical or emotional harm caused. To apply for a non-recourse nursing home injury settlement loan, fill out our online application or call (855) 870-2274 for information or assistance.