How Legal Funding Impacts Taxes

A lack of money can put a personal injury case in jeopardy. A pre-settlement advance can help a lawyer and plaintiffs, but there are tax considerations with pre-settlement funding. This can eventually affect your finances even with the new IRS tax deadline of July 15. Extended from April 15 due to the outbreak of the […]
How Long Does it Take to Settle a Personal Injury Claim?

Personal injury cases involve many uncertainties, including how long it will take to reach a settlement. There is no definitive answer no matter how good your personal injury attorney is. Financial strain and other pressures can lead you to settle early, for less, but this means not getting the compensation you deserve. Lowball insurance offers […]
Reduce Holiday Stress with Litigation Financing

If you’ve been injured and are unable to work, it can be hard to make ends meet any time of the year, let alone during the holidays. Reduced income can make it difficult to enjoy this time with your family, but litigation financing can help pay for holiday expenses and your bills too. At Fund […]
What It Means to Live Paycheck to Paycheck

To live from paycheck to paycheck means most of your salary goes to paying expenses, and that if you become unemployed, it would be impossible to meet financial obligations. It means you have limited or no savings that could be drawn from if suddenly unemployed. There are many reasons this could happen. A personal injury […]
Why Do Personal Injury Settlements Take So Long?

Personal injury claimants often find their cases to take longer than expected. Should you blame your lawyer, or an insurance company? Oftentimes there’s no one to blame. Many factors can affect how long a personal injury case takes. Some cases simply take longer than others to settle, but here are some of the leading factors […]