Vehicle recalls are issued by manufacturers if a defect is found, whether it involves the engine or brake parts, airbags, or something as simple as floor mats or a keyless fob. Far too often, such defects result in accidents and injuries. A recall lawsuit is often a complex matter. To complicate things further, there are state common laws and statutory laws pertaining to defective manufacturing, breach of warranty, etc. Vehicle recall laws by state can affect your lawsuit and legal funding due to the following:


You can sue the manufacturer if injured in an accident involving a recalled vehicle. The path you take depends on the circumstances. In fact, a recall can strengthen the evidence that the vehicle or a part was defective. The manufacturer’s handling of the matter plays a role as well. In general, when a vehicle is recalled, manufacturers are required by law to:

But you don’t need to show the manufacturer was negligent or careless to prove liability for your injuries or losses. Recall claims differ from standard personal injury claims in this regard. What you need to show is the vehicle had an unreasonably dangerous defect that caused your injury, was being properly used at the time and was not substantially altered from its original condition.

Regardless of the company’s intentions, you can still recover damages if you were put in danger by the vehicle’s design, a manufacturing defect, or failure to provide adequate warning. An example is a warning label not put in the appropriate place.


Vehicle recall laws by state provide for a variety of remedies depending on your situation. You may be able to pursue economic damages for the loss of the car’s resale value (or for the loss of a used car). The costs associated with an injury can be recovered. For recalls affecting many consumers, a class action lawsuit may be possible. However, legal action can be avoided if the manufacturer reimburses you with compensation for repairs or provides a replacement vehicle.


With an experienced personal injury attorney, you could exercise your legal rights if a recalled vehicle contributed to your injuries. We know these cases can take time. But regardless of the complexities, settlement funding can provide the cash you need, now. What we offer is non-recourse lawsuit funding, which you receive within 24 hours of application and approval. It can cover a range of expenses and is paid back only if you win—out of the proceeds of your settlement.

Find out more about how we can help and apply online today. For more information, call (855) 870-2274.