Facts Attorneys Need to Know About Lawsuit Funding

It’s not uncommon for a client to ask for an advance on their case. But as a personal injury attorney, you want to provide your clients with the best possible advice. Predatory lending has been prevalent in the legal industry, while the regulatory environment is relatively weak. Many states, including California, lack oversight of pre-settlement […]
Holiday Season Rush on Settlements for Attorneys
The Holiday Season Puts a Rush on Settlements for Attorneys As the holiday season approaches, attorneys often see clients more impatient for their cases to get settled. You know your client deserves a bigger settlement, but all you need is time. That’s where Fund Capital America comes in; our legal funding in Los Angeles can […]
Auto Accident Legal Funding – Don’t Get Overcharged
Auto Accident Legal Funding to Help with Medical Bills Personal injury claims most often involve auto accidents. There are literally millions of crashes in the U.S. every year, and tens of thousands of fatalities, with an even higher number of serious injuries such as broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, burns, and amputations. Any […]
Why Reputation Is Important When It Comes to Legal Funding
Find Reputable California Lawsuit Funding Companies Legal funding is always an enticing option, but for a funding company, a good reputation is one of its greatest assets. Plaintiffs look for a reputable organization to provide the funds they need, while attorneys want to ensure their clients can afford daily expenses and to continue their lawsuit […]