Is It OK to Take a Cash Advance on a Pending Lawsuit?

A cash advance on a pending lawsuit can cover immediate expenses, including medical bills, rent, and food. Contact FCA or apply for legal funding today.
How to Get an Out of Court Settlement

Litigation and court trials are expensive. Parties in a lawsuit often agree to an out of court settlement to resolve their dispute and save money, time…
Coronavirus Leads to Increase in Demand for Lawyers & Legal Funding

As coronavirus has spread across the nation, employers have been forced to close, causing financial hardship for millions. State and local governments have limited social gatherings, restricted restaurants to delivery and take-out only, and enforced stay-at-home orders during the pandemic. There’s also another impact of COVID-19—an increase in demand for lawyers, legal services, and legal […]
How Legal Funding Impacts Taxes

A lack of money can put a personal injury case in jeopardy. A pre-settlement advance can help a lawyer and plaintiffs, but there are tax considerations with pre-settlement funding. This can eventually affect your finances even with the new IRS tax deadline of July 15. Extended from April 15 due to the outbreak of the […]
Difference Between a Lawsuit Loan and a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance

Personal injury cases get pushed back for many reasons. Courts are now relying on technology to push cases forward during the COVID-19 crisis, but some cases are being held back or put on hold altogether. If you’re out of work, the bills are due, and you’re facing overwhelming expenses, you need money now. Plaintiffs have […]
Reduce Holiday Stress with Litigation Financing

If you’ve been injured and are unable to work, it can be hard to make ends meet any time of the year, let alone during the holidays. Reduced income can make it difficult to enjoy this time with your family, but litigation financing can help pay for holiday expenses and your bills too. At Fund […]
Common Cases That Qualify for Legal Funding

If you were hurt due to no fault of your own, and you are thinking about pursuing further legal action, you may qualify for legal funding. Legal funding, also known as pre-settlement funding, is a relatively new idea that manifested itself in the 90s. As the name suggests, a settlement loan is an advance based […]