How Legal Funding Impacts Taxes

How Legal Funding Impacts Taxes

A lack of money can put a personal injury case in jeopardy. A pre-settlement advance can help a lawyer and plaintiffs, but there are tax considerations with pre-settlement funding. This can eventually affect your finances even with the new IRS tax deadline of July 15. Extended from April 15 due to the outbreak of the […]

Can My Lawyer Deny Me from Getting A Pre-Settlement Loan?

Happy Clients - Legal funding lawyer

A lawsuit funding company must obtain information from your attorney before making an offer. Obtaining litigation funding, therefore, requires your lawyer’s cooperation. If your legal counsel refuses to cooperate, then you won’t get much-needed cash to pay for medical bills, utilities, rent, and other financial obligations while your personal injury case is pending. If you’re […]

Facts Attorneys Need to Know About Lawsuit Funding

Attorney in suit | Lawsuit funding

It’s not uncommon for a client to ask for an advance on their case. But as a personal injury attorney, you want to provide your clients with the best possible advice. Predatory lending has been prevalent in the legal industry, while the regulatory environment is relatively weak. Many states, including California, lack oversight of pre-settlement […]

Quick Cash Option for Injured Plaintiffs – Pre-Settlement Funding

Injured Plaintiffs May Have a Quick Cash Pre-Settlement Option in California A drunk, distracted, or careless driver can cause an accident that leaves you injured and unable to work. If your medical and legal costs aren’t enough, you’re not earning the income you did before. The accident wasn’t your fault, so the other driver’s insurance […]

Bills Piling up? Get Through The Summer with Pre-Settlement Funding

CALIFORNIA’S TOP LEGAL FUNDING SPECIALISTS As the summer sun turns up the heat outside, some of your utility bills may be on the rise as well.  Many of us take things like this in stride, making the financial preparation that we think might be needed if the electric bill spikes for a couple of months […]

Top 5 Myths and Truths About Legal Funding

Myth-Busting Truths About Legal Funding Legal funding represents a $3 billion industry, as of 2016, according to The New Yorker. Lenders are increasingly willing to back cases with a high potential for a monetary award, including those involving personal injury, finance class-action, and more. The number of firms using litigation financing is growing. Yet, many […]

Has your case settled, but you still haven't received your settlement check? apply for post-settlement funding with fca legal funding


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