Difference Between a Lawsuit Loan and a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance

Lawsuit Loan vs a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance

Personal injury cases get pushed back for many reasons. Courts are now relying on technology to push cases forward during the COVID-19 crisis, but some cases are being held back or put on hold altogether. If you’re out of work, the bills are due, and you’re facing overwhelming expenses, you need money now. Plaintiffs have […]

Do I Still Need to Repay My Lawsuit Loan If My Case Loses?

Lawsuit Loan

At Fund Capital America, our mantra is “no win, no repayment”. But legal funding, being a form of cash advance, is much different than a traditional lawsuit loan. There’s no credit check and you don’t need to be employed to be approved. That works great for anyone injured in an accident and who may be […]

Has your case settled, but you still haven't received your settlement check? apply for post-settlement funding with fca legal funding


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