It can take months or years to settle a personal injury lawsuit. But you can get a cash advance on a pending lawsuit before litigation or negotiations begin. Plaintiffs often need cash to cover medical bills on top of basic expenses. Pre-settlement funding can provide this cash long before you’re compensated for injuries and losses; it’s paid back plus interest out of your future settlement, which serves as the only collateral for the funds you borrow.

Obtaining a Cash Advance on a Pending Lawsuit

To qualify for a lawsuit cash advance, you must have been injured due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions, hired a lawyer, and filed a lawsuit. The lender is taking on risk as there’s always a chance a legal case can be lost. Therefore, many funding companies are highly selective, but depending on the merit and the value of your case, you can get access to legal funding for cases involving:

A Lawsuit Cash Advance Is Not a Traditional Loan

Banks and other lenders have strict requirements for approving loan applicants. They often demand up-front payment for fees and that you begin paying the principal plus interest right away. The facts of your case and medical condition don’t matter to them. Also, the application process can be complex and time-consuming. As a personal injury plaintiff, that’s not ideal.

A lawsuit funding company will take on less risk if both parties have already agreed to a settlement. However, obtaining a cash advance on a pending lawsuit is easier than you think. Here are some tips for finding a lawsuit funding company and obtaining the cash you need:

Apply for a Cash Advance on Your Pending Lawsuit Online

We offer a fast and easy process to apply for a lawsuit cash advance online. If you have a pending lawsuit and haven’t reached a settlement, we can approve you for a pre-settlement loan based on the facts of your case. Our staff will review your request and contact you and your attorney. Once we make an offer, you can accept as much or as little as you want; there are no hidden fees or up-front costs. Apply now or call 855-870-2274.