Are Disability Benefits Affected by a Settlement?

Disability Benefits

The Social Security Administration has various ways of looking at personal injury settlements. When it comes to Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), your eligibility for benefits should not change. Your SSDI and Medicare benefits are not affected by your income but by your work history. However, income-based programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and […]

Can a Pre-Existing Condition Affect My Litigation Funding?

Pre-Existing Condition | Litigation Funding

If you’ve been injured in an accident, filing an injury claim can help pay for medical expenses and make up for lost wages and income. But there are many factors that can complicate matters. One is if you have a pre-existing medical condition. Here, we’ll discuss how this can affect your case and whether you’ll […]

How to Get an Out of Court Settlement

Court Settlement

Litigation and court trials are expensive. Parties in a lawsuit often agree to an out of court settlement to resolve their dispute and save money, time…

Coronavirus Leads to Increase in Demand for Lawyers & Legal Funding

Lawyer in Gloves | FCA

As coronavirus has spread across the nation, employers have been forced to close, causing financial hardship for millions. State and local governments have limited social gatherings, restricted restaurants to delivery and take-out only, and enforced stay-at-home orders during the pandemic. There’s also another impact of COVID-19—an increase in demand for lawyers, legal services, and legal […]

Difference Between a Lawsuit Loan and a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance

Lawsuit Loan vs a Pre-Settlement Cash Advance

Personal injury cases get pushed back for many reasons. Courts are now relying on technology to push cases forward during the COVID-19 crisis, but some cases are being held back or put on hold altogether. If you’re out of work, the bills are due, and you’re facing overwhelming expenses, you need money now. Plaintiffs have […]

9 Important Facts About Slip & Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall Accident

More than one million slip and fall accidents occur in the U.S. every year, resulting in many lawsuits and thousands of deaths. Slip, trip, and fall incidents can be prevented, but the statistics are quite staggering. People suffer traumatic brain injury, fractures, and other life-altering outcomes and sometimes require surgery such as hip replacement. With […]

How Long Does it Take to Settle a Personal Injury Claim?

Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury cases involve many uncertainties, including how long it will take to reach a settlement. There is no definitive answer no matter how good your personal injury attorney is. Financial strain and other pressures can lead you to settle early, for less, but this means not getting the compensation you deserve. Lowball insurance offers […]

Top 7 Hazards in the Construction Industry

Asbestos Danger Sign

Construction workers are more at risk of accidents than people in any other industry. Numerous hazards contribute to the high injury and fatality rate of individuals employed in high-risk work environments. The top 7 hazards include: 1. Height The most common cause of fatal construction worker injuries is a fall from height. A fall can […]

Reduce Holiday Stress with Litigation Financing

Litigation Financing

If you’ve been injured and are unable to work, it can be hard to make ends meet any time of the year, let alone during the holidays. Reduced income can make it difficult to enjoy this time with your family, but litigation financing can help pay for holiday expenses and your bills too. At Fund […]

Has your case settled, but you still haven't received your settlement check? apply for post-settlement funding with fca legal funding


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