Applying for a lawsuit cash advance online is the easiest and fastest way to receive funds before your case settles. Using an online application, you can request a first-time cash advance or take advantage of cash advance refinancing. The funding company will proceed with evaluating your electronic application as soon as it’s received.
Benefits of Applying for a Cash Advance Online
When you need legal funding, time is of the essence. There are deadlines to keep up with and each step of the litigation process requires patience. In some cases, fees and payments factor in along the way. Being approved for a loan by a bank or creditor can be challenging, especially if your income is reduced or your situation prevents you from abiding by their terms.
However, applying online for a cash advance is beneficial for the following reasons:
- No Paperwork: You don’t mail forms back and forth, which reduces the wait time. When you fill out and submit an online form, it is received automatically by the funding company, which can then contact you and your attorney to gather the information needed to approve your application and decide how much to offer.
- It’s Fast: An online application takes just a few minutes. You don’t need to fill out endless forms and wonder whether you did so correctly. We’ll receive your electronic application instantly and contact you for additional details.
- The Terms Are Clear: When you apply for a lawsuit cash advance online, the process is simplified and the terms are explicitly stated. Your attorney will clarify any details of the contract if necessary. At Fund Capital America, there are no upfront payments and settlement funding involves a term-based payback. And if your case doesn’t win, the advance is not repaid.
- Receive a Cash Advance Quickly: We recommend discussing your need for a cash advance with your attorney before applying. Therefore, we can reach them quickly and obtain relevant details about your case. With that in mind, you can receive funding the same day you submit your online application. This means you’ll have the cash to cover medical bills, rent, and daily expenses.
- Avoid Going Into Debt: Personal injury plaintiffs often rush to find ways to afford a lawsuit and daily necessities. An online application and fast approval allow you to find a quick solution to financial strain. You don’t need to use credit cards or take out high-interest personal loans while you’re waiting to be compensated.
Can I Apply for a Cash Advance Refinance Online?
You can submit an online application for a cash advance refinance. If approved, you’ll receive additional funds and possibly a change in repayment terms. This can result in lower monthly payments; in the case of a non-recourse lawsuit loan, we’ll reduce the amount deducted from your future settlement. Refinancing can also:
- Lower the interest rate on your loan.
- Extend the repayment period.
- Help you pay off a loan faster.
By refinancing a lawsuit cash advance you applied for online, you can also shift the financial risk. If you previously received an advance from another lender (or self-funded a case), this can reduce your financial burden.
When you apply online, we can quickly determine if you’re eligible for legal funding. The qualifications generally include being injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, having retained an attorney, and having filed a lawsuit. For refinancing, you must be a plaintiff represented in a lawsuit, have already received a cash advance on your settlement, or be a recipient of medical-legal financing.
You may also be an attorney who’s received financing to fund a case or who has self-funded a case that’s costing more than anticipated.
To apply for either a cash advance online or cash advance refinancing from Fund Capital America, you need to provide:
- Details on your case/prior cash advance
- The name of your attorney/loan company
- Documents about your injury/reasons you need additional funding
- Information on your insurance policy and limits
- Evidence that medical care costs have increased
If you’ve never received a lawsuit cash advance, applying online can get you the funds you need quickly. Refinancing a cash advance can update the terms of the agreement and help provide financial support if your circumstances have changed. It can also help if your case is taking longer to settle than expected.
Apply for a Lawsuit Cash Advance Online with Fund Capital America
Our application process is simple, paperless, and requires no upfront payments. If you’re eligible for lawsuit funding, you can receive a same-day cash advance that’s paid back out of your future settlement proceeds. You can also receive a cash advance refinancing decision. To get started, provide your name, contact information, and the basic details of your accident, along with your attorney’s name and phone number. If you have questions or need assistance with your online application, call 855-870-2274.