Common Cases That Qualify for Legal Funding

Cases That Qualify for Legal Funding

If you were hurt due to no fault of your own, and you are thinking about pursuing further legal action, you may qualify for legal funding. Legal funding, also known as pre-settlement funding, is a relatively new idea that manifested itself in the 90s. As the name suggests, a settlement loan is an advance based […]

How to Talk to Your Insurance Adjuster

Insurance Adjuster

A car accident is a critical event in one’s life. The physical and emotional toll may be hard to control. However, the actions taken hours and days after an accident can have exacting consequences on you and your family’s financial well-being. That includes how you handle insurance adjusters. Whether the accident was your fault or […]

Ambulance Chasers: Taking Advantage of Your Vulnerability

Auto Accident | FCA

Many law firms in Southern California use an unscrupulous tactic for trying to obtain cases. Ambulance chasers are sent out whenever there’s a traffic accident. These “solicitors”, “runners”, or “cappers” as they may be called operate with the goal of helping secure new clients. In doing so, they’re take advantage of an accident victim when […]

Which Express Lanes Can a Motorcyclist Use for Free?

Motorcyclists are often intent on reaching their destinations quickly. Express Lanes can help because there’s usually less traffic. The downside is using an Express Lane can be costly, but some are discounted or free for motorcyclists. Are Express Lanes Accessible to Motorcyclists? Using an express lane is fairly simple. If you have a FasTrak Flex […]

A Guide to Essential Motorcycle Safety Gear

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists face a greater risk of major injuries and expensive aftermaths to accidents than other motorists. If a motorist is at-fault, legal funding in Los Angeles can help stay the course until your motorcycle accident attorney reaches a settlement. However, wearing the proper gear may help avoid the worst injuries. Here are some examples of […]

6 Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Motorcycle Accidents

Fatal motorcycle accidents in California and the U.S. have been on the increase. In 2015 (according to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)), 14% of traffic-related fatalities were motorcyclists, although motorcycles represented just 3% of all registered vehicles. Although motorcycles are inherently risky and prone to accidents, there are ways to improve your safety. […]

Has your case settled, but you still haven't received your settlement check? apply for post-settlement funding with fca legal funding


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